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Student statistics


Final data

  • New preregistration students by branch       
  • New preregistration students by campus       

Progress report

  • Enrolments by branch of education       
  • Enrolments by campus       
  • Enrolments by centre       
  • Enrolled by geographical origin       

Final data

  • New preregistration students by branch       
  • New preregistration students by campus       

  • Enrolments by branch of education       
  • Enrolments by campus       
  • Enrolments by centre       
  • Enrolled by geographical origin       
  • Enrolled on University-specific degrees       

  • Graduate Students       

  • Students from mobility programmes       

Final data

  • List of new preregistration degree students by branch       
  • List of new preregistration degree students by campus       

  • List of students enrolments by branch       
  • List of students enrolments by campus       
  • List of students enrolments by centre       
  • List of students enrolments by geographical origin       
  • List of students enrolled on University-specific degrees        

  • List of graduates       

  • List of students enrolments in mobility programmes       