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Rama de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

Interuniversity Ph.D. Program in Neurosciences.

Ciencias de la Salud
Icono de la rama del estudio
Academic Commission


  • Department of NeurosciencesUniversidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.


  • Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.

  • Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

  • Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos de Toledo.

  • Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla).

  • Universidad de La Coruña.

  • Universidad Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona).

Academic Committee UPV/EHU

  • President: Pedro Rolando Grandes Moreno.

  • Member: Miguel Ángel González Torres.

  • Member: María Inmaculada Guerricagoitia Marina.

University Academic Committee.

  • President: Pedro Rolando Grandes Moreno (UPV/EHU).

  • Member: Javier Cudeiro Mazaira (UDC).

  • Member: Fernando de Castro Soubriet (Instituto Cajal - CSIC).  

  • Member: José María Delgado García (UPO).

  • Member: María Inmaculada Guerricagoitia Marina (UPV/EHU)

  • Member: José Manuel Juiz Gómez (UCLM).

  • Member: María Ángeles Lanuza Escolano (URV).


  • Program Coordinator: Pedro Rolando Grandes Moreno (UPV/EHU).

General Information


General or Basic Competences:

  • Systematic comprehension of a field of study and master different abilities and research methods related to this field. 

  • Ability to concieve, design or create, implement and adopt a substantial process of research or creation. 

  • Ability to contribute to the expansion of the frontiers of knowledge through original research. 

  • Ability to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas. 

  • Ability to communicate with the academic and scientific community and with society in general about one’s particular field of knowledge in the modes and languages commonly used in the international scientific community. 

  • Ability to promote, in academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural progress within a knowledge-based society.


Abilities and Personal Skills:

  • Knowing how to manage situations where little specific information is available

  • Finding the key questions to be answered to solve a complex problem.

  • To design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in one’s field of knowledge.

  • To work autonomously or in teams in an international or multidisciplinary context. 

  • To integrate knowledge, deal with complexity and make judgements with limited information.

  • Ability to think critically and to argument or present solutions to a given problem.

The annual enrolement cost depends on the aplicable fees, aprobed by the Regional Government in Castilla-La Mancha. Click here to know the corresponding to the current academic year.
Research lines


  1. Integrated Unit of Clinical and Functional Structural Neuroscience. Dept. of Neurosciences-University of the Basque Country.

Research Lines: 

  • Study of the innervation of the axonal segment of the main neurons of the cerebral cortex. 

  • Expression of factors that prevent postlesional regeneration of nerve connections through the application of small inhibitory molecules such as siRNAs and antagomirs. 

  • Neuronal and connective organization of the mammalian brain stem. 

  • Recovery of visual function in partial retinal lesions and in models of experimental amblyopia. 

  • Endocannabinoid system in the healthy and diseased brain. 

  • Slow-release techniques of neuroactive substances incorporated into nanoparticles of biodegradable plastic materials for application in the central nervous system.


  • BUENO LÓPEZ, JOSÉ LUIS (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • ELEZGARAI GABANTXO, IZASKUN (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GÒMEZ URQUIJO, SONIA MARÌA (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GRANDES MORENO, PEDRO ROLANDO (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GUERRICAGOITIA MARINA, MARÍA INMACULADA (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • MARTÍNEZ MILLÁN, LUIS (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • PUENTE BUSTINZA, NAGORE (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • REBLET LÓPEZ, MARIA CONCEPCIÓN (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • SARRIA AROSTEGUI, RAFAEL (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)


2. Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology, University of the Basque Country.
Research Lines:

  • Parkinson's disease and other parkinsonism's / Dementias / Prion diseases / Dysautonomia Drug-resistant epilepsies. 

  • Cerebral micro vascularization: study of its structure and function, the mechanisms involved in its maintenance, regulation, development and plasticity in physiological and pathological conditions. 

  • Neurobiology of pain. 

  • Involvement of the endogenous cannabinoid system in neural differentiation.


  • AZKUE BARRENETXEA, JON JATSU (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GARCÍA DEL CAÑO, GONTZAL (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GUTIÉRREZ ARGANDOÑA, ENRIQUE (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko) Unibertsitatea

  • LAFUENTE SÁNCHEZ, JOSÉ VICENTE (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko) Unibertsitatea

  • MARTÍ MASSÓ, JOSÉ FELIX (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • ZARRANZ IMIRIZALDU, JUAN JOSÉ (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)


3. Histology and Neurobiology Unit (UHN), Rovira i Virgili University, Reus-Tarragona.

Research lines:

  • Cellular Neurobiology Synaptogenesis, mechanisms of regulation of synaptic activity and mechanisms of adaptation, remodeling and plasticity in the nervous system.


  • FENOLL I BRUNET, ROSA (Universidad Rovira i Virgili)

  • GARCÍA SANCHO, NEUS (Universidad Rovira i Virgili)

  • LANUZA ESCOLANO, MARÍA ÁNGEL (Universidad Rovira i Virgili)

  • SANTAFÉ MARTÍNEZ, MANUEL (Universidad Rovira i Virgili)

  • TOMÁS FERRÉ, JOSEP (Universidad Rovira i Virgili)


4. División de Neurociencias. Laboratorio de Neurociencia Funcional Neurociencia y Comportamiento.  “Pablo de Olavide” University, Sevilla.

Research Lines:

  • Molecular and cellular basis of neuronal plasticity. Molecular and cellular mechanisms related to long-term neuronal plasticity. 

  • Early detection of Alzheimer's disease based on the combination of different markers. 

  • Physiology of synaptic transmission.  

  • Genesis and control of motor commands with special emphasis on extraocular and facial motor systems. 

  • Magnetoreception in "Drosophila melanogaster": physiology of magnetic field detection and the effects that such fields can have on living organisms. 

  •  Brain mechanisms underlying memory processes and their impairment. 

  •  Role of cortical (prefrontal, premotor, motor, hippocampal), subcortical (striatum, amygdala, red nucleus, brainstem motor centers) and cerebellar structures in the acquisition of associative learning tasks. 

  • Phenotyping procedures of mice and rats using electrophysiological recording (EEG) techniques.  

  • Learning and memory processes in "Drosophila melanogaster". 

  • Neural processes underlying learning and memory in the awake animal. Neural substrates of appetitive and exploratory behaviors. 

  •  Oscillatory properties of the cerebral cortex. 

  •  Functional relationships between sleep physiology and memory consolidation processes.


  • ARMENGOL BUTRON DE MUJICA, JOSE ANGEL (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

  • CARRION RODRIGUEZ, ANGEL. M (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

  • DELGADO GARCIA, JOSE MARIA (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

  • DOMINGUEZ DEL TORO, EDUARDO (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

  • GRUART I MASSO, AGNES (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

  • PEREZ VILLEGAS, EVA MARIA (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

  • PRADO MORENO, ANTONIO (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

  • RODRIGUEZ MORENO, ANTONIO (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)


5. Neurogenesis, neurodegeneration and neuroprotection. University of the Basque Country .

Research Lines:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Biomarkers of Stroke.

  • Genetics of multiple sclerosis.

  • Microglial phagocytosis in the adult hippocampus in health and disease.

  • Neural stem cells and neurogenesis in aging and epilepsy.

  • Neurodegeneration and neuroprotection.


  • ALBERDI ALFONSO, ELENA MARÍA (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • DOMERCQ GARCÍA, MARÍA (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • MATUTE ALMAU, CARLOS JOSÉ (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • PÉREZ CERDA, FERNANDO (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • PÉREZ SAMARTÍN, ALBERTO LUIS (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • SÁNCHEZ GÓMEZ, MARÍA VICTORIA (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)


6. Functional psychosis and psychotherapy.  University of the Basque Country.

Research Lines:

  • Psychosis, Personality Disorders, Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 

  • Psychiatry. 

  •  Systematic reviews and meta-analysis. 

  •  Psychotic disorders: clinical epidemiology and neurocognition.


  • BALLESTEROS RODRÍGUEZ, FRANCISCO JAVIER (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GONZÁLEZ PINTO ARRILLAGA, ANA MARÍA (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

  • GONZÁLEZ-PINTO ARRILLAGA, ASUNCIÓN (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GONZÁLEZ TORRES, MIGUEL ÁNGEL (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GUIMÓN UGARTECHEA, JOSÉ (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)

  • GUTIÉRREZ FRAILE, MIGUEL (Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea)


7. NeuroscienceUniversidad de Castilla-La Mancha/Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos de Toledo).

  • Grupo de Neurobiología Celular-Instituto de Investigación en Discapacidades Neurológicas (IDINE). Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Campus de AlbaceteGrupo de Neurofisiología. IDINE/UCLM.
  • Grupo de Neurofarmacología. IDINE/UCLM.
  • Grupo de Neuroingeniería. IDINE/UCLM.
  • Unidad de Investigación-Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos de Toledo.

Research Lines:

  • Cellular and circuitry are the basis of epilepsy. Control of excitability and modifications of synaptic plasticity. 

  • Cellular and molecular basis of basal ganglia physiology. Modifications of synaptic plasticity in extrapyramidal pathologies such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, dyskinesias, etc. 

  • Cellular and molecular basis of memory and learning. Synaptic plasticity phenomena and its modifications in dementias (Alzheimer's disease), etc. 

  • Cellular and subcellular bases of the function of potassium channels and receptors for neurotransmitters in the auditory system. 

  • Subcellular bases that mediate the association and functional coupling between neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels in the central nervous system. 

  • Development of artificial implants for peripheral nerve regeneration 

  • Dissection and search for new pharmacological targets. Study of the mechanisms of action of possible new neuroprotective drugs. Involvement of mitochondria and second messengers in neurodegenerative processes. 

  • Study of the mechanisms of action of possible new neuroprotective drugs. 

  • Cellular and subcellular localization of ion channels in the central nervous system. 

  • Cellular and subcellular localization of receptors for neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. 

  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms of adaptation of central auditory neurons to acoustic trauma. 

  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms of degeneration, adaptation and repair/regeneration in neurons deprived of synaptic inputs in models of deafness. 

  • Cochlear mechanics, cochlear nuclei physiology, cochlear implants. 

  • Cellular neurobiology Synaptogenesis, mechanisms of regulation of synaptic activity and mechanisms of adaptation, remodeling and plasticity in the nervous system .

  • Involvement of mitochondria and second messengers in neurodegenerative processes. 

  • Regeneration in the CNS: nuclear receptors. 

  •  Cellular and molecular pathways involved in neurodegenerative processes (Parkinson, Huntington, Alzheimer and ischemia).


  • ALVARADO, JUAN CARLOS (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).


  • FUENTES SANTAMARÍA, VERÓNICA (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).

  • JUIZ GÓMEZ, JOSÉ MANUEL (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).

  • LUJÁN MIRAS, RAFAEL (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).

  • MONCHO BOGANI, JOSÉ VALERIANO (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha).


8. Neuroscience and Motor Control (NEUROcom). University of La Coruña.

Research Lines:

  • Study of the mechanisms that guide visual attention and cortico-thalamic interactions. 

  • Neurophysiological mechanisms are involved in the sleep-wake cycle and visual processing. 

  • Non-pharmacological neurorehabilitation of motor control in elderly and neurological patients.

Professors of the Research Team:

  • CORDIDO CARBALLIDO, FERNANDO (Universidad de La Coruña).

  • CUDEIRO MAZAIRA, JAVIER (Universidad de La Coruña).

  • RIVADULLA FERNÁNDEZ, CASTO (Universidad de La Coruña).


 See the ‘Research Lines’ section.

Training activities




The International Doctoral School (EID-UCLM) organizes cross-disciplinary training courses with the aim of offering training activities for doctorate students’ as a complement for their main activity as researchers. They can take part in those activities at any moment throughout their doctoral studies.

More information:

Access and admision
The minimum legal requirements for admission to any of the doctoral programmes are those specified in the section "Access for new doctoral students" in this link.
Specific procedures of the PhD program


All the procedures will be carried out by the international doctoral school (EID-UCLM), except:

  • Registration and request for certifications and degrees: Student Management Unit of the student's Campus. 

  • Application for admission and thesis deposit: Administrative staff of the Department to which the student's tutor is ascribed.



The general regulations of the International Doctoral School will be applied, which can be consulted at the following link: 




  • José Manuel Juiz Gómez
    Email: JoseManuel.Juiz@uclm.es
    Phone Number: +34 967599270 
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. IDINE / Facultad de Medicina de Albacete. C/ Almansa, 14. 02008 Albacete

  • Rafael Luján Miras
    Email: Rafael.Lujan@uclm.es
    Phone Number: +34 926053581 
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. IDINE / Facultad de Medicina de Albacete. C/ Almansa, 14. 02008 Albacete

  • Aitziber Mojas
    Email: aitziber.mojas@ehu.es
    Phone Number: +34 946 015 683
    Administrative Central information unit for the interuniversity program at Universidad del País Vasco


Internal Quality Assurance Committee of the Doctoral Program.

To be determined by the coordinating university.


Quality Indicators

Adequacy of the Offer

Percentage of newly enrolled students as a percentage of places offered.

Percentage of Ph.D. students from other Spanish universities.

Number of applications for admission to the Ph.D. Program.

Number of newly enrolled Ph.D. students.

Total number of doctoral students enrolled.

Degree of satisfaction of the different agents involved in the Ph.D. Program

Degree of satisfaction of the Ph.D. enrolled students.

Degree of satisfaction of the Professors/Researchers.

Degree of satisfaction of the external collaborating institutions.

Degree of satisfaction of the Administration and Services Staff (PTGAS).

Degree of satisfaction of the Ph.D. students participating in mobility programs.

Degree of satisfaction of graduates.

Degree of Internationalization

Percentage of PhD students from foreign universities.

No. of international collaboration agreements signed.

No. of joint scientific contributions made with foreign researchers.

No. of foreign experts which participate in the Ph.D. Program or in theses evaluations.

Percentage of theses with international mention and/or co-supervision over defended theses.


No. of faculty participating in mobility programs.

Participation rate of doctoral students in mobility programs.


Percentage of faculty with active six-year periods of research experience (or equivalent).

Evaluation of the scientific activity and its results.

Dropout rate.

Rate of theses defended in three years amongst full-time students.

Rate of theses defended in five years amongst part-time students.

Number of scientific contributions made by doctoral students in their theses.

No. of extraordinary doctorate awards received by the PhD program graduates.

No. of defended theses by academic year.

Percentage of theses qualified as ‘Cum Laude’.

Percentage of doctoral students who obtain grants or post-doctoral contracts.

Employability. Rate of doctoral students obtaining a job that is appropriate to their training during the 3 years following the defense of the thesis.