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Study Programme - Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering

The Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering has 240 ECTS credits. It is divided into five modules (Basic Training, Compulsory Training, Specific Complementary Technologies, Hospital Externships and Final Degree Project) and their associated subjects.


The competences to be acquired with this degree are listed below list of objectives and competences.

Based on the regulations in force at the UCLM, when registering you must take into account the list of compulsory subjects for this degree (which will come into force for the academic year 2024/25).

In the detailed GIB Syllabus you can find all the official information about the subjects that make up the degree, while the organisation of the subjects for the academic year 2024/25 is shown below. 



(a implantar en el curso 2023/24)





(a implantar en el curso 2025/26)

Asignatura curso 2024/25 Carácter
Curso anterior
59721 – Therapy and Rehabilitation Equipment
OB 9
59722 – Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
OB 9
59723 – Recording and Monitoring Equipment
OB 6 Ver
59724 – Laboratory and In-Vitro Diagnostic Equipment
OB 6 Ver
59719 – Clinical Information Systems and Telemedicine
OB 6 Ver
59720 –Health Technology Procurement
OB 6 Ver
59725 –Biomedical Signal Processing
OB 6 Ver
59726 – Biomechanics OB 6 Ver
59727 – Biomaterials
OB 6 Ver



(a implantar en el curso 2026/27)

Asignatura curso 2024/25
Curso anterior
59728 – Health Technology Assessment
OB 6
59730 – Biomedical Image Processing
OB 6
Electives OP 18  
59729 – Projects and Innovation
OB 6 Ver
59731 – Artificial Intelligence in Bioengineering
OB 6 Ver
59739 – Hospital Internships

59740 – Final Degree Project TFG 6


(a implantar en el curso 2026/27)

Asignatura curso 2024/25
Curso anterior
59732 – Personalised Medicine
OP 6 Ver
59733 –Infrastructures in the Smart Hospital
OP 6 Ver
59734 – Design and Commercialisation of Healthcare Technology
OP 6 Ver
59735 –Assistive Technology and m-Health
OP 6 Ver
59736 – Design and Control of Prostheses and Organs
OP 6 Ver
59737 – Advanced Biomedical Data Analysis
OP 6 Ver
59738 – External Academic Internships OP-PEE 6 Ver


(FB = Basic Training, OB = Compulsory, OP = Electives, PEH = Hospital Internships, PEE = Internships in Companies, TFG = Final Degree Project)