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Human Resources Strategy for Researchers


URAXESS is an initiative of the European Commission with more than 300 researcher support centres and 40 partner countries. It acts as a support instrument for the achievement of strategic objectives of the European Research Area (ERA) such as the elimination of barriers to mobility and the attraction and retention of research talent to Europe.

In order to achieve these objectives, the following instruments are available:

  • EURAXESS Jobs: Publication of job offers in R&D&I by the interested entity, such as the publication of researchers' CVs.
  • EURAXESS Rights: Recommendations of the European Commission for the attraction of research talent (Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, European Charter for Researchers and Scientific Visa).
  • EURAXESS Links: Connecting the European research community worldwide, access to forums, databases, newsletters, email alerts, etc.

Therefore, within the EURAXESS Rights section, one of the cornerstones is the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, whose ultimate goal is to improve the employment and working conditions of researchers in Europe and to help improve the attractiveness of a research career in Europe. 


Brochure: The European Charter for Researchers & the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment | EURAXESS