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Rama de Ingeniería y Arquitectura

Microcredencial en Waste Management for the Food Industry

Ingenieria y Arquitectura
Icono del Area del estudio

Créditos totales

2 Créditos obligatorios

Créditos optativos

Número de plazas
Lugares de impartición


Organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias y Tecnologías Químicas de Ciudad Real

Responsables del título







2 ECTS x 50€/ECTS = 100 €



Información General

The microcredential course "Waste Management in the Food Industry" offers a comprehensive approach to the identification, characterization, and treatment of waste generated in the agri-food sector. It analyzes the main treatment and recovery technologies, as well as strategies for waste minimization through stock management optimization and improvements in manufacturing processes. Furthermore, specific methods to reduce waste in various subsectors such as meat and poultry, fish and seafood, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils and fats, dairy products, flours, pasta, animal feed, bakery, confectionery, and sugar are studied. Participants will acquire tools to assess and apply waste reduction techniques, contributing to more efficient and sustainable production.

The course’s focus on specific learning outcomes ensures that participants develop the skills necessary for waste identification, characterization, and treatment, as well as applying waste minimization and recovery strategies. The issuance of the microcredential will be contingent upon a positive assessment of the knowledge and competencies acquired, ensuring rigorous and applied training. Additionally, the microcredential offering will respond to the reskilling needs of the adult population and productive sectors, facilitating their updates in collaboration with administrations and social entities. It will also guarantee access for groups in situations of social vulnerability and with specific educational needs, promoting their integration into the labor market. Thus, this course contributes to the improvement of employability, competitiveness, and sustainability in the food industry.

This microcredential defines three expected learning outcomes. Each will allow participants to acquire three welldefined competencies aligned with ESCO, the European multilingual classification of skills, competencies, qualifications, and occupations, which identifies and classifies the relevant skills, competencies, qualifications, and occupations for the EU labor market, as well as EU education and training.

Learning Outcome 1. Identify and classify types of agri-food industrial waste for proper management.

Description: The student will be able to identify and classify the different types of waste generated in various food industries, analyzing their characteristics to implement efficient and sustainable management, ensuring compliance with regulations, and optimizing recycling and waste reduction processes.

Related ESCO competencies:

◦ Store classified waste: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/5efdcf3b-9c19-4b1c-ac41-7347493da37d

◦ Promote sustainability: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/469e19ed-a0bd-445a-ae2d-4ba9430e296b

◦ Corporate sustainability: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/f5bf985b-ac78-4d23-881a-18a359234528

Learning Outcome 2. Minimize and prevent waste generation in production processes.

Description: The student will be able to introduce basic concepts of waste minimization and prevention, optimize inventory management, and apply changes in production processes to reduce waste generation and promote sustainable practices in the industry.

Related ESCO competencies:

◦ Collect industrial waste: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/28bc5334-5372-4bd6-8458-c2b516dd6104

◦ Separate waste: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/110d7aa3-e44e-4cce-a927-8d4de615f3d9

◦ Eliminate food waste: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/dacaebb5-5d85-4f3e-9adb-7c82b4f53189

Learning Outcome 3. Manage waste in food and beverage preparation and encourage its recovery.

Description: The student will be able to manage the waste generated in food and beverage preparation, promoting the recovery of valuable resources and applying sustainable practices to reduce environmental impact and optimize resource use.

Related ESCO competencies:

◦ Waste management: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/40f65a56-ccbe-4601-9f32-1cc6cdd24f28

◦ Bioeconomy: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/609d6bb4-db16-4578-87fc-57b11a701cc2

◦ Circular economy: http://data.europa.eu/esco/skill/22c45bf7-e52b-475f-847b-c32a87f65a5d

  • Professionals in sustainability across different types of industries, especially those related to the agricultural and food sectors.
  • Students in vocational training at both middle and higher levels, as well as university students in fields related to sustainability, particularly those with degrees in industrial, chemical, and food environmental sciences and engineering.
Acceso y matrícula



 Del 31/03/2025 al 25/04/2025


 Del 05/05/2025 al 16/05/2025


 Del 02/06/2025 al 04/07/2025

Precio de matrícula: 2 ECTS x 50 €/ECTS = 100 €

Fraccionamiento: No

Bonificación: No

Criterios de admisión:

  • Professionals in sustainability across different types of industries, especially those related to the agricultural and food sectors.
  •  Students in vocational training at both middle and higher levels, as well as university students in fields related to sustainability, particularly those with degrees in industrial, chemical, and food environmental sciences and engineering.

Documentación para realizar la preinscripción:

  • Document proving affiliation with the sector (as applicable):

    ◦ Professionals: contract, company certificate, or similar document.

    ◦ Students: enrollment certificate or academic transcript.


Una vez sea admitido deberá formalizar la matrícula por INTERNET, para ello deberán acceder a la aplicación CursosWeb.

Los alumnos que se hayan inscrito podrán formalizar su matrícula desde la opción Mis Cursos seleccionando la acción “Continuar con la matrícula”:
Para realizar el abono se podrá utilizar una de las siguientes opciones: 

  • Pago por RECIBO BANCARIO, deberá imprimir la carta de pago y presentarla en una de las entidades bancarias colaboradoras (aparecen en la carta de pago) y realizar el abono correspondiente, sólo para pagos realizados en España. 
  • Pago con TARJETA BANCARIA, el abono se realiza en el mismo instante de la matriculación.
Una vez realizada la matrícula, desde la opción Mis Cursos seleccionando la acción “Carta de pago” podrá descargarla de nuevo.

Todos los alumnos interesados en recibir factura acreditativa del pago de la matrícula deberán solicitarlo a la organización del curso (administrador/a del centro) en el mismo momento de la matriculación, adjuntando la documentación actualizada del IAE del alumno o de la empresa que abona el pago.
Este derecho caducará el día 16 del mes siguiente a la fecha del ingreso.
Plan de estudios
Plan de estudios


Caracterización de Residuos





Minimización de Residuos





Gestión de Residuos en la Industria Alimentaria I





Gestión de Residuos en la Industria Alimentaria II





Total de Créditos ECTS


G: Obligatoria O: Optativa PE: Prácticas Externas TFM: Proyecto o Trabajo Fin de Estudios AN: Anual C1: 1º Cuatrimestre C2: 2º Cuatrimestre

The course will be developed online. The content has been developed as part of the European project ERASMUS + FIELDS (Addressing the current and future skill needs for sustainability, digitalization, and the bio-economy in agriculture: European skills agenda and strategy) for tutored online training. These contents will be sequentially uploaded during the course delivery, and weekly tutoring hours will be provided to offer a general explanation of the topics and address any questions.

To assess the competencies acquired in waste characterization, minimization, and management in the agri-food industry, two fundamental strategies will be implemented. First, students will perform a detailed analysis of the types of waste generated in an agri-food industry of their choice, identifying their characteristics and proposing strategies for their minimization. This report will allow them to apply the knowledge acquired and develop competencies in efficient and sustainable waste management in the sector. Additionally, a final evaluation will be conducted through a multiple-choice questionnaire to assess understanding of key concepts related to waste characterization, minimization, and management, as well as the students' ability to apply these principles in real scenarios.

Obtain a grade of at least 60% in the assignments required throughout the course.
