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Coordination between Academic Staff

Teaching Coordination

The Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering (GIB) has different horizontal and vertical teaching coordination mechanisms. There is a degree coordinator, an external placement coordinator and four course coordinators, who together with the GIB Teaching Committee, the centre's Quality Assurance Committee and the rest of the centre's committees are responsible for the appropriate articulation of the different aspects involved in the teaching-learning process.

At the beginning of each semester, a calendar of meetings is defined, with at least one degree coordination meeting and one coordination meeting for each academic year. Likewise, the different committees of the centre meet periodically depending on the needs. At the different meetings, the teaching guides for each subject are reviewed, detecting possible overlaps and gaps in theoretical and practical content, competences, learning outcomes, teaching methodologies, assessment systems, resources and materials used, implementation of zero courses, timetables, collaboration in teaching innovation projects, among others.

  • Degree Coordinator: Roberto Zangróniz Cantabrana
  • 1st Year Coordinator: Raquel Martínez Lucas
  • 2nd Year Coordinator: in the academic year 2024/25
  • 3rd year coordinator: in the academic year 2025/26
  • 4th year coordinator: in the academic year 2026/27

In addition, until this new degree programme is fully developed, there will be an Implementation Committee, chaired by the Degree Coordinator, which will ensure the correct deployment of the resources and procedures necessary for the proper delivery of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering.