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Academic Planning


Academic planning for the academic year 2024-2025

The complete academic planning for the academic year 2024-2025, approved by the Board of the Centre, including class timetables, exams and academic calendar, can be downloaded at the following link: Academic Planning GIB-24/25 (updated Dec. 2024).

Changes in the exams on 2 June due to regional holidays: see changes.



Tutoring hours 

In the UCLM Virtual Secretariat you can consult the updated academic tutoring timetable of the teaching staff.



EPC Academic Calendar for the academic year 2024-2025

(Based on the one approved by the Governing Council on 23 May 2024)

The dates established in the academic calendar for teaching activities at the EPC are adapted to the official academic calendar approved by the UCLM. The most significant dates are as follows:

First Semester
From 11 September 2024 to 20 December 2024 (71 effective teaching days; Thursday 31 October will be Friday).

Second Semester
From 29 January 2025 to 13 May 2025 (67 effective school days).

Holiday periods
Christmas holidays: from 23 December 2024 to 7 January 2025.
Easter holidays: 14 to 21 April 2025.
St. Thomas Aquinas: 27 January 2025.
EPC Holiday: 2 May 2025.

Examination periods
Ordinary 1st Semester: 8 to 24 January 2025.
Ordinary 2nd Semester: 19 May to 6 June 2025.
Extraordinary: from 13 June to 4 July 2025.

Deadlines for the mechanisation of the minutes:
Ordinary 1st semester: 7 February 2025.
Ordinary call 2nd semester: 12 June 2025.
Extraordinary call: 9 July 2025.