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Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering

Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Technologies Engineering

The Polytechnic School of Cuenca of the UCLM will teach from the academic year 2023-2024 the new degree in Biomedical Engineering (GIB), focused on the speciality of clinical engineering and with a high link to the University Hospitals of Castilla-La Mancha.



In the sections included in the degree menu you can find all the detailed information about the degree, together with the general description below:

‘Today's medicine cannot be understood outside a highly technological context. In our hospitals there are more than 500,000 different health technology devices, and it is estimated that, from the moment of admission to discharge, each patient goes through an average of seven of these devices, which can range from a simple blood pressure monitor to a complex CAT scanner. This reality has exponentially increased the demand for Biomedical Engineers capable of conceiving, designing, developing, developing, regulating, evaluating, distributing, installing, maintaining and managing these instruments and the applications and services based on them.

The training of this type of professional is the fundamental objective of the Degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. To this end, students will be provided with a solid grounding in engineering fundamentals (mathematics, physics, computer science, electronics, communications, etc.), as well as in specific aspects of biology, anatomy, physiology and human pathology, biomechanics and biomaterials, biomedical instrumentation and telemedicine, the application of artificial intelligence and Big Data to signal processing and medical imaging, and clinical engineering and healthcare technology management.

This degree will have 240 ECTS credits (four courses), and will be taught in Spanish and face-to-face at the Polytechnic School of Cuenca. It will have a strong practical component as part of the training will take place at the new University Hospital of Cuenca, as well as in the specific laboratories available at the aforementioned Centre. In addition, all students will be required to complete a final stay of approximately two months in a hospital, where they will rotate through the most transversal clinical services of the degree, such as Traumatology and Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Cardiology, Dermatology, Diagnostic Imaging, Radiotherapy, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Neurology, and Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, among others. All students will also have the opportunity to carry out internships in specific companies in the Healthcare Technology sector, as well as in Biomedical Research Centres and/or Institutes’.



Nota: la imagen que ilustra todas las secciones de este Grado se ha obtenido de Freepik.