Annual Awards of the Professional Association of Telecommunication Engineers
The Professional Association of Telecommunication Engineers (COIT), together with the Spanish Association of Telecommunication Engineers (AEIT), at the XXXVII Edition of the COIT/AEIT Awards, presenting the awards of Best Final Year Undergraduate Project, Best Master’s Dissertation, Best Doctoral Thesis and Best Academic Record in Telecommunications Engineering, gave the “Caja de Ingenieros Best Academic Record” award to Beatriz García Martínez.

Awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Project
The awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Project are given by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of the Academic Board of the EPC, to graduates with the best academic record of their year, for each degree course.
- 2017/18 Academic Year: awarded to ELENA PALOMAR SÁNCHEZ-CASAS.
- 2016/17 Academic Year: not awarded.
Awards for Final Year Undergraduate Project
The awards for Final Year Undergraduate Project (FYUP) are given by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of the Telecommunication Technologies Engineering FYUP board, to the Telecommunication Technologies Engineering FYUP that has received the highest grade of all the projects submitted that same year.
- 2017/18 Academic Year: awarded to ELENA PALOMAR SÁNCHEZ-CASAS, for the FYUP “Logic and security configuration of the LAN network of the Institute of Technology, Building and Telecommunications".
- 2016/17 Academic Year: awarded to ÁNGEL PEDRAZA CORDONES, for the FYUP “Design of architecture software based on the paradigm of the Internet of Things: implementation of an automated system”.
Award for Liberalisation of Telecommunications (COITT)
The Liberalisation of Telecommunications Award is presented by the Professional Association of Technical Telecommunications Engineers (COITT) to Spain’s top four Final Year Undergraduate Projects in the four majors: Telecommunication Systems, Electronic Systems, Sound and Image and Telematics.
This is the most prestigious academic award in the profession of Technical Telecommunications Engineer and it is given to the best FYUP on the basis of content, originality, practical application and level of challenge, as well as the student’s Academic Record and Curriculum Vitae.
Awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Project
The awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Project are presented by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of the Academic Board of the EPC, to graduates with the best academic record of their year, for the following degree courses: Building Engineering and Audiovisual Telecommunication Systems Engineering.
- 2015/16 Academic Year: awarded to BEATRIZ GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ.
- 2014/15 Academic Year: awarded to MARÍA LEAL SALIDO.
- 2013/14 Academic Year: not awarded.
- 2012/13 Academic Year: awarded to ÁNGEL NAVARRO RODRÍGUEZ.
- 2011/12 Academic Year: awarded to JESÚS REAL SERRANO.
- 2010/11 Academic Year: awarded to ANTONIO RINCÓN SERRANO.
Awards for Final Year Undergraduate Project
The awards for Final Year Undergraduate Project are presented by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of the Audiovisual Telecommunication Systems EngineeringFYUP Board, to the Audiovisual Telecommunication Systems EngineeringFYUP that has received the highest grade out of all the projects submitted that same year.
- 2016/17 Academic Year: awarded to JUAN FRANCISCO MATEO CUESTA, for the FYUP “Android Application for recording inspections of cross-drainage works”.
- 2015/16 Academic Year: awarded to PAULA MARÍA SELVA MENA, for the FYUP “Acoustic Study of the Catedral de Santa María y San Julián in Cuenca”.
- 2014/15 Academic Year: awarded to CARLOS BARREIRO MATA, for the FYUP “Design of a low-cost cardiac monitoring system”.
- 2013/14 Academic Year: awarded to JOSÉ MIGUEL TORRES IBÁÑEZ, for the FYUP “Design and construction of a MIDI percussion instrument in microcontroller”.
- 2012/13 Academic Year: awarded to ÁNGEL NAVARRO RODRÍGUEZ, for the FYUP “Development of a real-time auralisation environment based on DSP, HTRF and RIR”.
- 2011/12 Academic Year: awarded to JUAN ÁNGEL MARTÍNEZ ZAMORA, for the FYUP “Low-loss Antenna Loop based on metamaterials for RFID applications”.
- 2010/11 Academic Year: awarded to ANTONIO RINCÓN SERRANO, for the FYUP “Portable data collection and storage system with USB connection for recharging and transfer”. Led by Roberto Zangróniz Cantabrana and José Manuel Pastor García.
PhD workshops at the University of Castilla-La Mancha
Researchers are invited to participate in the PhD workshops organised by the University of Castilla-La Mancha with the aim of promoting research in all knowledge areas, with awards granted to the best papers.
- 2013/14 Academic Year:VICTOR SANZ BLANCO.
Awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Projects
The awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Project are given by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal its Academic Board, to students with the best academic record of their year in the following degree courses: Technical Architecture and Technical Telecommunications Engineering (Major in Sound and Image).
- 2008/09 Academic Year awarded to CRISTINA RUIZ VILLENA.
- 2007/08 Academic Year: awarded to MARÍA JESÚS BALLESTEROS GARRIDO.
- 2006/07 Academic Year: awarded to EVELIN PERALES GARCÍA.
- 2005/06 Academic Year: awarded to CELIA CHÁVARRI ÁLVAREZ.
- 2004/05 Academic Year: awarded to RICARDO JIMÉNEZ RUIZ.
- 2003/04 Academic Year: awarded to AGUSTÍN LÓPEZ SERRANO.

Awards for Final Year Undergraduate Projects
The awards for Final Year Undergraduate Projects are presented by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of the Technical Telecommunications Engineering FYUP Board (Major in Sound and Image), to the Technical Telecommunications Engineering FYUP that has received the highest grade out of all the projects submitted that same year.
- 2011/12 Academic Year: awarded to DAVID GARCÍA MINGUILLÁN, for the FYUP “Design and Implementation of microcontroller based GLCD graphic LCD environment based on microcontroller”.
- 2008/09 Academic Year: awarded to LETICIA MARTÍNEZ CANO, for the FYUP “Acoustic characterisation of a choir: spectrum and directivity”. Led by Samuel Quintana Gómez and Dª. Isabel González Rodríguez.
- 2007/08 Academic Year: awarded to MARÍA JESÚS BALLESTEROS GARRIDO, for the FYUP “Analysis of Noise in the Construction Process”. Led by Samuel Quintana Gómez and Marcos David Fernández Berlanga.
- 2006/07 Academic Year: awarded to ZAIDA TERESA PICAZO GANDÍA, for the FYUP “Analysis of the Method of Regions of Constant Disparity for Artificial Stereoscopic Vision”. Led by José María López Vallés.
- 2005/6 Academic Year: awarded to IGNACIO MOSET LÓPEZ, for the FYUP “Interactive classified advertisements service for TDT”. Led by José Manuel Blas Arnau.
- 2004/05 Academic Year: awarded to JOSÉ ANTONIO BALLESTEROS GARRIDO, for the FYUP “Application of BSS methods to the measurement of acoustic power in machines”. Led by Marcos David Fernández Berlanga and César Sánchez Meléndez.
- 2003/04 Academic Year: awarded to ARTURO MARTÍNEZ RODRIGO, for the FYUP “Evaluation and simulation of the electroacoustic features of a cinema equipped with multichannel sound. Auralisation of sound spaces”. Led by Samuel Quintana Gómez.
- 2002/03 Academic Year: awarded to RAÚL ALCARAZ MARTÍNEZ, for the FYUP “Discrimination of interfering signals via blind source separation and DSP. Use in car cabin.” Led by César Sánchez Meléndez.
- 2001/02 Academic Year: awarded to SAÚL CONTRERAS ÁRIAS, for the FYUP “Acoustic characterisation of the main hall of the Teatro Auditorio in Cuenca”. Led by Samuel Quintana Gómez.
National Awards for Excellence in University Student Academic Achievement
- Second Prize, National Award for Excellence in academic achievement in Technical Telecommunications Engineer university studies for academic year 2007/08, granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education to María Jesús Ballesteros Garrido.
- Second Prize, National Award for Excellence in academic achievement in Technical Telecommunications Engineer university studies for academic year 2008/09 granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education to Cristina Ruiz Villena.
- Third Prize, National Award for Excellence in academic achievement in Technical Telecommunications Engineer university studies for academic year 2008/09 granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education to Leticia Martínez Cano.
- Highly Commended in the National Award for Excellence in academic achievement in Technical Telecommunications Engineer university studies for academic year 2008/09 granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education to Jesús Real Serrano.
Fundación MAPRE and UCLM Awards
Fundación MAPFRE in collaboration with the UCLM, presents the Final Year Undergraduate Project/Dissertation award to students who have made a significant contribution to the field of accident prevention and reduction of impacts in the Occupational Hazard Prevention and Environmental Contamination Prevention. For more information please visit the Fundación Mapfre website.
- 2006 Edition: 1st AWARD presented to MIRELA VLADOVICH, for the FYUP “Model for Noise Prediction in Cuenca”. Led by Samuel Quintana Gómez.

- 2005 Edition: 1st AWARD presented to JOSÉ ANTONIO BALLESTEROS GARRIDO, for the FYUP “Application of BSS methods to the measurement of acoustic power in machines”. Led by Marcos David Fernández Berlanga and César Sánchez Meléndez.

Awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Projects (COITT)
The awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Project are given by the Professional Association of Technical Telecommunication Engineers (COITT), to the graduates with the best academic record of their year, for the following degree course: Technical Telecommunications Engineering (Major in Sound and Image).
- 2010/11 Academic Year: awarded to ANTONIO RINCÓN SERRANO.
- 2009/10 Academic Year: awarded to DANIEL RIHUETE DUQUE.
- 2008/09 Academic Year: awarded to CRISTINA RUIZ VILLENA.
- 2007/08 Academic Year awarded to MARÍA JESÚS BALLESTEROS GARRIDO.
- 2006/07 Academic Year: awarded to EVELIN PERALES GARCÍA.
- 2005/06 Academic Year: awarded to CELIA CHÁVARRI ÁLVAREZ.
- 2004/05 Academic Year: awarded to RICARDO JIMÉNEZ RUIZ.
- 2003/04 Academic Year: awarded to AGUSTÍN LÓPEZ SERRANO.
Open source software competition Castilla-La Mancha
- First Edition 1st AWARD MOST USEFUL PROJECT presented to RAFAEL OTAL SIMAL and MIGUEL POYATOS MORA for the Icum Proyect. Led by José Manuel Pastor García.
- Second Edition 1st AWARD MOST USFUL PROJECT presented to EDUARDO VILLAR RABADÁN and ALEJANDRO OLMEDO MATEO for the Blueharvest project. Led by Angel Belenger.
- Second Edition 2nd AWARD MOST INNOVATIVE PROJECT presented to ANDRES MARTÍNEZ MUGUERZA for the Fajax project.
UCLM undergraduate research conference
This conference aims to foster creative competences in study and research, promote new ideas for research in different disciplines, as well as exchange experiences and proposals between academic staff and students, nurturing debate and communication and the capacity for research training. As pointed out by the organisation “research is essential to successfully face future challenges, and university students must acquire from Bachelor’s-Degree level the knowledge, skills and attitudes which allow them to develop competences in this field.”
- First Edition. David Cejudo Loro for “Project Intervention in Venta de Borondo, Daimiel”
CGATE AWARDS (Spanish General Council of Technical Architecture)
The Spanish General Council of Technical Architecture (CGATE) presents awards to Final Year Undergraduate Projects in degree courses leading to the profession of Technical Architect with the aim of giving professionals greater visibility and prestige at the beginning of their professional career.
- 1st Edition, 2019: First Prize PEDRO ENRIQUE PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, for the FYUP "Web tool for the management of building defects”.
Awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Projects
The awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Projects are given by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of its Academic Board, to the graduates with the best academic record of their year, for the following degree courses: Building Engineering and Audiovisual Telecommunication Systems Engineering.
- 2017/18 Academic Year: not awarded.
- 2016/17 Academic Year: not awarded.
- 2015/16 Academic Year: awarded to ISABEL MUÑOZ CANO.
- 2014/15 Academic Year: awarded to JESÚS VELA PLAZA.
- 2013/14 Academic Year: awarded to MARÍA DE LAS NIEVES ARROYO CUADRA.
- 2012/13 Academic Year: awarded to BEATRIZ DUEÑAS DEL CERRO.
- 2011/12 Academic Year: awarded to CARMEN MARÍA GÓMEZ-MONEDERO CASTELLANOS.
- 2010/11 Academic Year: awarded to SERGIO MONTOLIO MARCO.
- 2009/10: Academic Year awarded to SERGIO MEDINA MARTÍN.
Awards for Final Year Undergraduate Projects (FYUP)
The awards for Final Year Undergraduate Projects are presented by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of the Building Engineering FYUP Board, to the Building Engineering FYUP that has received the highest grade out of all the projects submitted that same year.
- 2017/18 Academic Year: awarded to PEDRO ENRIQUE PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, for the FYUP “Web tool for building defects”.
- 2016/17 Academic Year: awarded to ROBERTO GONZÁLEZ ATIENZA, for the FYUP “Intervention in Real Pósito de Huete”.
- 2015/16 Academic Year: awarded to CRISTINA LARA GÓMEZ, for the FYUP “Characterisation and proposal of wicker as a construction material”.
- 2014/15 Academic Year: awarded to JESÚS ÁNGEL MARTINEZ CARPINTERO, for the FYUP “Setting of the SYMBCITY HOUSE prototype in BIM software (ArchiCAD)”.
- 2013/14 Academic Year: awarded to OCTAVIO FERRERO CAMARGO, for the FYUP Facilities Project in Rue Des Suisses”.
- 2012/13 Academic Year: awarded to MÓNICA CANOSA MORA and ANA MARÍA CORONADO GÓMEZ, for the FYUP “Methodological study on degradation, conservation and installation of stones as construction material in Cathedral de Sta. María (Cuenca)”.
- 2011/12 Academic Year: awarded to CARMEN MARÍA GÓMEZ-MONEDERO CASTELLANOS, for the FYUP “Building comprising 16 dwellings at Avenue Versailles, 42. Paris (France). Structure”.
- 2010/11 Academic Year: awarded to JULIÁN LOMINCHAR TOLEDO, for the FYUP “14 dwellings in Les Courtillières, Patin (France). Facilities”.
- 2009/10 Academic Year: awarded to ELENA ZABALLOS GUIJARRO Y D. ENRIQUE CANTERO ALARCÓN, for the FYUP “14 dwellings in Paipol; apartment building”.
In December 2012, the Plateau Team, made up of 40 students from the University of Castilla-La Mancha and the University of Alcalá de Henares applied to participate in the 2014 Edition of “Solar Decathlon” Europe-level competition for the design and construction of almost zero energy consumption dwellings, held in Paris, France.
Solar Decathlon Europe (SDE) is a university competition that promotes research in the development of efficient and low energy consumption solar-powered housing.
The Team came in third place.

The University of Castilla-La Mancha team was made up of undergraduates in Building Engineering and Civil Engineering, former alumni, and lecturers from both faculties. They were presented the following awards:
- Second prize of the competition.
- Highly Commended in Best Group Representing a University category.
- Special Public Award decided by direct vote of the conference attendees.
IV International BIM Competition 2017.
The CuBIMUCLM group made up of Building Engineering undergraduates, professors and graduates of the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, colleagues on the Master’s course and post-graduate groups, received the BIM Open Competition 1st Prize and the LUMION prize, awarded by one of the three sponsor companies.

Awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Projects
The awards for Outstanding Final Year Undergraduate Projects are given by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of its Academic Board, to the graduates with the best academic record of their year, for the following degree courses: Technical Architecture and Technical Telecommunications Engineering (Major in Sound and Image).
- 2008/09 Academic Year: awarded to VANESA RODRÍGUEZ TRISTÁN.
- 2007/08 Academic Year: awarded to JOSÉ IGNACIO DÍAZ HUEDO.
- 2006/07 Academic Year: awarded to JOSÉ LUIS PÉREZ-CEJUELA SÁNCHEZ.
- 2005/06 Academic Year: awarded to JESÚS GONZÁLEZ ARTEAGA.
- 2004/05 Academic Year: awarded to DIEGO DÍAZ JIMÉNEZ.
- 1999/00 Academic Year: awarded to ANTONIO GÓMEZ GÓMEZ.
Awards for Final Year Undergraduate Project (FYUP)
The awards for Final Year Undergraduate Projects are presented by the Polytechnic School of Cuenca, at the proposal of the Technical Architecture FYUP Board, to the Technical Architecture FYUP that has received the highest grade out of all the projects presented that same year.
- 2011/12 Academic Year: awarded to LIBERTAD NIETO AGUDO, for the FYUP “Construction of 15 State-Subsidised Housing Units in El’s Maiols in Cerdanyola del Valles (Barcelona)”.
- 2008/09 Academic Year: awarded to VANESA RODRÍGUEZ TRISTÁN, for the FYUP “Construction of 44 dwellings in Saint James Grove, NT43, Wandsworth, Great Britain”.
- 2007/08 Academic Year: awarded to GLORIA BALLESTEROS JIMÉNEZ, for the FYUP “Drive-Library in C/ Río Fresneda nº1-Cuenca”.
- 2006/07 Academic Year: awarded to SANDRA HARO, for the FYUP “Single-family housing unit María Hof“.
- 2005/06 Academic Year: awarded to JESÚS GONZÁLEZ ARTEAGA, for the FYUP “Construction Plan of a Single-Family Unit in Valdecabras (Cuenca)”.
- 2004/05 Academic Year: awarded to JORGE GARCÍA REY AND MARÍA DEL MAR GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ, for the FYUP “Renovation of Convento de San Felipe”.
- 2003/04 Academic Year: awarded to JOSÉ CARLOS GÓMEZ CAMINO, for the FYUP “Housing Reconstruction in Nickestrisse”.
- 2002/03 Academic Year: awarded to DAVID VALVERDE CANTERO, for the FYUP “Reconstruction architecture group HANS OUD”.
- 2001/02 Academic Year: awarded to ÁNGEL JULIÁN CALVO CASTILLEJO, for the FYUP “Monographic Concrete: Components, batching and quality control”.

CGATE AWARDS (Spanish General Council of Technical Architecture)
The Spanish General Council of Technical Architecture (CGATE) presents the Technical Architecture Award for Safety in Construction. These awards reaffirm the profession’s commitment to improving the occupational health and safety conditions in construction.
- 2008/09 Academic Year: awarded to VANESA RODRÍGEZ TRISTÁN, for the FYUP “Construction of 44 dwellings in Saint James Grove, NT43, Wandsworth, Great Britain”.
- 2007/08 Academic Year: awarded to GLORIA BALLESTEROS JIMÉNEZ, for the FYUP “Drive-in Library in C/ Río Fresneda nº1-Cuenca.
- 2006/07 Academic Year: awarded to SANDRA HARO, for the FYUP “Single-family housing unit María Hof“.
- 2005/06 Academic Year: awarded to JESÚS GONZÁLEZ ARTEAGA, for the FYUP “Construction Plan of a Single-Family Unit in Valdecabras (Cuenca)”.
- 2004/05 Academic Year: awarded to JORGE GARCÍA REY and MARÍA DEL MAR GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ for the FYUP “Renovation of Convento de San Felipe”.
- 2003/04 Academic Year: awarded to JOSÉ CARLOS GÓMEZ CAMINO, for the FYUP “Housing reconstruction in Nickestrisse”.
- 2002/03 Academic Year awarded to DAVID VALVERDE CANTERO, for the FYUP “Reconstruction architecture group HANS OUD”.
- 2001/02 Academic Year: awarded to ISABEL OSMA CORDENTE y Dº. ÁNGEL MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ, for the FYUP “Consolidation of Monasterio San Miguel de las Victorias (PRIEGO)”.
CCM Awards (Caja Castilla–La Mancha)
- 2003/04 Academic Year: awarded to DAVID VALVERDE CANTERO.
- 2001/02 Academic Year: awarded to ÁNGEL MARTÍN SÁNCHEZ.